Cafe Astrology .com

May 25 2022

25mayOverview of the DayMay 25 2022Daily Overview


Wednesday, MAY 25

Retrograde Mercury forms a trine to Pluto today, and we’re tuning into details or layers we might miss on other days. This transit can help us with increased insight, psychological understanding and awareness, and focused attention. It’s a time to get to the bottom of a matter and investigate or research things further. With Mercury retrograde, we may be looking at a past issue in a new way.

We’re heading toward a Mars-Uranus semi-square, exact early tomorrow, adding an impatient edge to the day’s energies. We may be looking to dominate or assert our independence if we feel trapped, restricted, or otherwise limited. We should watch for impulsive moves but also seek creative, inventive ways to get ahead. The Aries Moon is direct and enterprising.


May 25, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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