May 20, 2019
20mayOverview of the DayMay 20, 2019Daily Overview
Monday, MAY 20 The Moon spends another full day in the sign of Sagittarius. We’re seeking some extra meaning today, but we may end up wasting our
Monday, MAY 20
The Moon spends another full day in the sign of Sagittarius. We’re seeking some extra meaning today, but we may end up wasting our time more often than not, although if we can focus on satisfying recreation, there’s no loss. With Venus in minor challenging aspect to Jupiter, impulsiveness, haste, and arrogance should be watched for, particularly when it comes to relationships and pursuit of pleasure. This influence can serve to exaggerate our feelings, wants, and perceived needs. We might overstate our feelings or promise more than we can deliver, and the tendency to overdo is strong.
The Moon is void from 1:05 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Capricorn the next day, Tuesday, May 21st, at 3:57 AM EDT.
May 20, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)