Cafe Astrology .com

March 21 2024

21marOverview of the DayMarch 21 2024Daily Overview


Thursday, MARCH 21

Today’s transits are stabilizing. A Sun-Pluto sextile puts us in a renovating spirit–we seek more depth from our activities and connections. It subtly increases our determination, ambition, and dedication. Making improvements or working toward a personal goal can be successful now. With this transit, we tend to direct our energy constructively and seek new insight into our lives.

Also today, Venus aligns with Saturn, and we seek clarity. We’re more thoughtful about our attachments and affections. Regarding finances and relationships, we may need to limit a pleasure or indulgence or sacrifice a material benefit for a spiritual one (or vice versa). Extravagances can catch up with us, and buckling down is necessary.

Still, we might feel good about making a mature choice now. We may experience a new sense of realism in our relationships. It can also be a time for bonding more strongly with loved ones by sharing responsibility, concerns, or dilemmas. We might face reality about our finances, a personal belief, or a love/social matter.

A commitment is possible now, or there can be a “test” to an existing commitment. With a Venus-Saturn parallel reinforcing this energy, we take our interactions, pleasures, relationships, and money more seriously today.


March 21, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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