Cafe Astrology .com

March 14 2023

14marOverview of the DayMarch 14 2023Daily Overview


Tuesday, MARCH 14

Mars forms a square to Neptune today, and we may struggle to focus on our priorities. Energy is up and down, particularly if inspiration wavers. The Sun and Mercury will get involved in the next few days as they align with each other and Neptune, also set to square Mars.

Mars in Gemini square Neptune first formed in October 2022 and later returned to the aspect in November while retrograde. Motivation or energy levels may wane as we feel overwhelmed with possibilities and uncertain about our next step. Desires are hard to pin down. Instead, inspiration comes from unusual sources.

There can be a change of course or a break from the action. With this transit, we should watch for difficulties with boundaries and limits. Attempts to take the easy way out will probably backfire. However, from disappointment, we can find the motivation to make improvements. Confusing problems or objectives that emerged in October can resurface for handling now.

Today’s energies are also complicated by the Sun-Moon square. With this Last Quarter Moon, we crave action or movement in our pursuits. It’s not the best time to start a significant project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes descent into unconsciousness. However, it’s reliable energy for taking a mature look at a situation, and it makes sense to process recent revelations.


March 14, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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