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Jupiter enters Taurus

16may1:19 pmJupiter enters TaurusPlanetary Ingress


Jupiter enters Taurus

Jupiter is in Taurus from May 16, 2023 to May 25, 2024.

Jupiter spends a little over a year in the sign of Taurus.


Jupiter in Taurus brings opportunities related to patience, building and strengthening efforts, and focusing on comfort, stability, and longevity.

With an Earth sign Jupiter, we are practical realists who need to visualize results in order to feel motivated to achieve them. We are “doers” who are not easily lured by get rich quick schemes! During this cycle, we are not risk takers–we need direction, clear goals, and strong plans, and we value tangible results.

More specifically with Jupiter in Taurus, we attract the most good fortune when we are steady workers, charitable, generous but discriminating, and patient. Prosperous areas are ones that allow us to discriminate and determine the worth of products and to draw upon our resourcefulness. Long-term financial investments are in favor. A strong self-image or feelings of self-worth contribute to success.

There can be a delight for sensual pleasures and a desire for the “simple good life” with Jupiter in Taurus. In contrast to the urgency of the previous Jupiter cycle while Jupiter was in Aries, we can take pleasure now in pursuing our goals in a more drawn out and leisurely fashion, watching our profits or possessions slowly but surely accumulate. Basic needs have to be met satisfyingly before we pursue other goals.

We attract the most good fortune when we observe wisely rather than jump too quickly into something new. Considering long-term viability and value is wise while Jupiter transits Taurus.

Jupiter’s zeal can supersede moderation at times. It can expand the more negative qualities of a sign, just as it can expand the positive traits. Its zeal and enthusiasm is well-intentioned, but it can blind us to our immoderate behavior. In Taurus, negative manifestations include over-indulgence in pleasures and comforts, a too narrow focus, inattention to more spiritual goals, a “wait and see” attitude that if taken too far can lead to inertia, and a lack of objectivity. We can be particularly conservative or stubborn with our opinions and beliefs.

However, the higher vibration of Jupiter looks for perspective. Jupiter’s perspective isn’t a detached, analytical, or detailed look at any given situation, but an overview–a look at the “big picture”. With Jupiter, ideally, we are able to rise above pettiness, mundane concerns, inconveniences, and the like.

Where Jupiter is currently transiting in your own chart is generally where you are inclined to find your joy at this stage in your development.

There can be some good fortune or experiences surrounding money, gifts, or personal possessions due to improved resourcefulness. Investments may pay off, or we may realize property gains. Fields that prosper include agriculture, food, building, music, luxury comfort items, and natural or earthy beauty products. Work that involves steadily building something, conservative moves, and some routine can be most attractive or profitable.

With Jupiter in Taurus, we prefer learning programs with a focus on practical values or hands-on learning experiences and practical applications. Belief systems that make sense or emphasize logic and common sense are more attractive.

We begin to value the world of the five senses, comfort, nature, and steadiness more than usual. Building our self-worth contributes significantly to success. We may enjoy collecting and building things. Possessions can be our comfort or pleasure zone, which can lead to having too much or an unhealthy focus on material things or the joy of buying.

In Taurus, Jupiter urges us to enjoy, appreciate, and build on what we already have, and to adopt a patient approach to achieving our goals.

The last time Jupiter transited Taurus was from June 4th, 2011, until June 11th, 2012. See also Jupiter transits Taurus.


May 16, 2023 1:19 pm EDT(GMT-04:00)

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