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Jupiter conjunct Neptune

12apr9:43 amJupiter conjunct NeptunePlanetary Aspect


Jupiter conjunct Neptune

Jupiter, at 23° Pisces 59′, forms a conjunction with Neptune, at 23° Pisces 59′ on April 12, 2022. This is a one-off transit (it doesn’t repeat two more times as many outer-planet transits do).

With Jupiter forming a conjunction to Neptune, idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface. A spirit of altruism and generosity, making connections with others from a different background, widening our minds through unusual or different experiences, expanded faith, and a feeling that anything is possible if we believe in it are all themes.

Practical considerations could take a back seat now. We more easily make personal sacrifices for what we believe to be the better good. Everyday, ordinary life doesn’t satisfy, as we hunger for a more idealistic life. This can certainly lead to disappointment or strong feelings of discontent and restlessness.

We may need a reality check in order to keep our expectations realistic. Caution should be exercised with legal matters, finances, and other worldly, practical affairs, as the tendency to ignore critical details or to take foolish risks runs high.

However, if expectations are kept in check, this can be a fabulous time for dreaming up new possibilities. It’s also a period of greater compassion–when our guiding principle is to trust in people or the universe.

Some associations with this combination include dancing, water (especially the ocean), oil, the feet, drugs and alcohol, mysteries and illusion, film, cinematography, and religion.

Read more about this Jupiter-conjunct-Neptune aspect, whether it occurs in the natal chart, Solar Return chart, or is a transit to transit (as it’s occurring now) or transit to natal.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune dates:

 on April 12, 2022, at 23° Pisces 59′ (one-time)

Jupiter conjunct Neptune


April 12, 2022 9:43 am EDT(GMT-05:00)

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