Cafe Astrology .com

June 24 2022

24junOverview of the DayJune 24 2022Daily Overview


Friday, JUNE 24

The Moon spends the day in deliberate, steady Taurus. However, as the day advances, the Moon’s alignment with Uranus suggests an itch for change.

As well, we can become wound up relatively easily with Mercury moving into a minor challenging aspect to Pluto. Mental tension is possible now, ideally motivating us to handle problem areas. We can have a slightly suspicious way of looking at how things work. If others are not agreeing or adopting our ideas, we may take this as a personal affront. Instead of getting where we want to go directly, we could take a roundabout route and manipulate others. Some irritability is likely as we sort things out.


June 24, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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