Cafe Astrology .com

June 23 2023

23junOverview of the DayJune 23 2023Daily Overview


Friday, JUNE 23

The Sun’s sextile to the North Node of the Moon today encourages us to aspire to our goals, rise to a challenge, and grow and improve. We’re in good shape to strengthen and support one another and, in the process, build trust.

A Mercury-Jupiter semi-square impacts our perceptions and decision-making as we try to make sense of the information before us and attempt to find meaning in it. We tend to inflate the positive of a situation. We may feel a little overwhelmed with information or, on the other side, overlook essential details. There’s a tendency to exaggerate or dramatize as tedious mental tasks are especially difficult to digest.

However, a Mercury-Pluto quintile tonight inclines us to want to pay special attention to a particular project or idea and develop it more fully. We’re pleasantly dedicated or attentive now.

A void Moon continues today until the Moon enters Virgo at 6:35 AM EDT.


June 23, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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