Cafe Astrology .com

june, 2024

10junOverview of the DayJune 10 2024Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: monday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Daily Overview


Monday, JUNE 10

The Moon spends today in the sign of Leo, encouraging us to elevate our thoughts and activities. We’re motivated to play, share, act, express, and create and prefer to take the high road.

The Sun and Mercury are parallel today, so while there is a strong focus on inspiration, we also place quite a bit of importance on the mental plane.

Later today, we’re influenced by Mercury hooking into the energy of the upcoming Mars-Pluto square. This pattern introduces nervous tension or impatience to our communications and actions. We can quickly develop ideas or retorts, but we can be slightly jumpy and snappy. If we succumb to the pressure to get things done quickly, we may be working under stressful or hectic conditions. We could feel pressured or troubled, and we might take detective work a little too far. Patience and listening skills may be tested, but frustration could fuel our motivation to make a change.


Overview of the Day (Monday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my time




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