Cafe Astrology .com

July 6, 2019

06julOverview of the DayJuly 6, 2019Daily Overview


Saturday, JULY 6

The Moon moves into Virgo early today, at 12:26 AM EDT, and we have a desire to tidy up our affairs. Keeping busy and making headway satisfies us more than usual. The Moon taps into the energy of an upcoming Venus-Uranus sextile, and this can serve to open our minds and hearts to new ideas and new ways of relating.

Do note that Mercury is moving towards its retrograde station, happening tomorrow, and we may want to save launches or brand new projects for a better time. While the retrograde period that lasts from the 7-31 is strong for catching ourselves up, the days around the shifts can be disorienting, and this can be an issue today. We may not know all the facts, and we should watch for confusing directions and perceptions. There can be difficulties getting our message across successfully now, and this is temporary.

The void Moon ends when the Moon enters Virgo today at 12:26 AM EDT.


July 6, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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