Cafe Astrology .com

July 27 2023

27julOverview of the DayJuly 27 2023Daily Overview


Thursday, JULY 27

Mercury aligns with retrograde Venus, and a useful discussion or examination of the past may be in focus. There’s a tendency to analyze relationships and feelings, mainly related to past connections. While this gives us a new perspective on old issues and problems, we still don’t have the complete picture. As well, we may be intellectualizing matters of the heart.

With today’s Sun-Uranus quintile, we embrace our uniqueness. We more readily find channels for expressing our need for change and progress in creative and unique ways today.

As the day advances, a Mercury-Pluto quincunx comes into play, and we might be too insistent on getting information, but our hearts may not be ready for it. This transit suggests difficulties digesting or accepting a matter. We might have a hard time getting our message across or coming to a decision/conclusion that feels right, or we trigger negative responses from others.

Tension today results from fear-based suspicions. Still, it can also be a time for recognizing the needs and desires that we’ve suppressed.

The Moon is void from 6:36 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:24 PM EDT.


July 27, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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