Cafe Astrology .com

July 22 2022

22julOverview of the DayJuly 22 2022Daily Overview


Friday, JULY 22

The Sun enters Leo today, where it will transit until August 22nd. The Sun is proud, outgoing, and playful in its own sign–we want to enjoy and express ourselves during this cycle. The Leo Sun is intensely individual, not content with merely being one of the team. It’s time to shine, perform, and add a touch of color and drama to our lives. We are generous and grand in our gestures and attitudes. On the shadow side, we can also be self-centered and vain under this influence.

The Moon spends the day in Taurus, helping ground and moderate us. This Moon encourages patience and savoring of the moment. As Jupiter approaches a sextile to Pallas, we are optimistic, helpful, and ready to share words of wisdom. It’s a strong influence for big-picture planning and thinking.

The void Moon occurs from 7:46 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini the next day, Saturday, July 23rd, at 1:12 AM EDT.


July 22, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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