Cafe Astrology .com

july, 2024

01julOverview of the DayJuly 1 2024Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: monday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Daily Overview


Monday, JULY 1

The Moon spends the day in reliable, earthy Taurus, but its alignment with Mars shortly after midday suggests strong emotions and desires and some tendency to impulsiveness. We’re connecting with our needs for comfort and predictability, and we’re ready to put some muscle behind achieving these goals. This aspect awakens emotional desire and stimulates a sense of urgency.

Today’s clever Mercury-Mars quintile helps us strategize and solve problems, but a Sun-Uranus semi-square tonight can stir some restlessness that may seem too generalized to put to productive use. We may want to shake things up, make changes, and break the routine.

However, we could also be tense if there are unexpected schedule changes or if we’re not in touch with what we need to change. In such times, it’s better to keep things simple.


Overview of the Day (Monday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my time




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