Cafe Astrology .com

January 30 2024

30janOverview of the DayJanuary 30 2024Daily Overview


Tuesday, JANUARY 30

Mercury’s semi-square to Saturn this morning points to potential delays or miscommunications. We may need to manage some inconveniences in our transit or communications. Drawing on patience is essential, as minor edits can ultimately benefit us.

A Mars-Pluto parallel aspect, however, can help strengthen our resolve or focus. With this influence, we want to make profound changes rather than remain idle or stagnant.

The Moon leaves Virgo and enters Libra at 3:04 AM EST, and the Libra Moon brings kind, cooperative, and fair energy to the day. We’re accommodating and willing to meet others halfway.

A semi-square between the Sun and Neptune tonight suggests some indecision or listlessness. Our willpower may be low as we stray from our goals and temporarily lose focus. This aspect serves as a small reminder to consider our need for downtime, fantasy, or spirituality.

The Moon continues its void period today until it enters Libra at 3:04 AM EST.


January 30, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)

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