Cafe Astrology .com

January 25 2023

25janOverview of the DayJanuary 25 2023Daily Overview


Wednesday, JANUARY 25

We seek refreshment or escape with the Pisces Moon until 1:49 PM EST, after which we’re ready for action with an Aries Moon.

The Moon’s alignment with Jupiter tonight encourages us to embrace our needs for self-direction, self-expression, and initiative. Our moods lift.

The Aries Moon also harmonizes with the Aquarius Sun, and while we want to be the first to discover new things with this Moon position, it would benefit us to share time with others. We can enjoy increased clarity derived from a feeling that what we want and need are in harmony.

The Moon is void from 11:12 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Aries at 1:49 PM EST.


January 25, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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