Cafe Astrology .com

January 19 2024

19janOverview of the DayJanuary 19 2024Daily Overview


Friday, JANUARY 19

Today’s Taurus Moon is an even-tempered position, and the focus can be on seeking comfort, harmony, familiarity, security, and pleasure. Mercury’s trine to Jupiter in the early morning boosts our optimism. We’re getting our message across well.

However, Venus forms a square to Neptune, casting a veil over our needs, wants, and perceptions. We may be dreaming up the ideal, which can clash with reality. We can lack some discrimination, particularly regarding people we care about, our relationships, and material things. We should try to separate fact from fiction to avoid setting ourselves up for disappointment. What appears to be a great buy or something we need may turn out to be useless to us, or worse, a financial drain or money pit. Lines can blur when it comes to pursuing pleasure, as we can convince ourselves to believe what we want to think. We’re likely too close to the situation!

Examining discontent experienced now may be an opportunity to identify where we’ve neglected our spiritual, idealistic, romantic, or imaginative needs.


January 19, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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