Cafe Astrology .com

January 18 2024

18janOverview of the DayJanuary 18 2024Daily Overview


Thursday, JANUARY 18

Mercury’s sextile to Saturn early today inspires mental clarity and a practical focus. This is the third and final pass after Mercury and Saturn returned to this aspect while Mercury was retrograde on December 21st. We are mentally prepared, desiring more order and organization in our lives.

The Moon leaves Aries and enters Taurus at 3:13 AM EST, and energies are patient, warm, and indulgent. The Moon aligns with Jupiter and harmonizes with Mercury, hooking into the energy of a Mercury-Jupiter trine that perfects early tomorrow. We’re reaching for our joy and seeking to grow, develop, and improve, primarily through embracing our desire for comfort, security, and groundedness.

Mercury’s trine to Jupiter improves our outlook further. This transit first occurred on December 7th and, while Mercury was retrograde, happened again on December 18th. Now, we’re arriving at some helpful conclusions, or information unblocks so we can make a decision. This transit boosts our optimism and faith. Curiosity is stirring. We might gain a positive outlook through conversations and a sense of hope or trust in the future. Big-picture thinking benefits us. We seek more meaning to our projects and experiences. Our ideas are big, and our intentions are noble. We might receive good news or offers now.

The Moon is void from 3:03 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Pluto), until the Moon enters Taurus at 3:13 AM EST.


January 18, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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