Cafe Astrology .com

January 12 2024

12janOverview of the DayJanuary 12 2024Daily Overview


Friday, JANUARY 12

Mars forms a trine to Jupiter this morning, and our confidence, faith, and enthusiasm soar. Our desire for freedom is just as strong. We are more decisive and enterprising under this influence–it’s a great time to think up an exciting new plan or challenge. Something moves us to take action to better our lives. We possess the willpower, vigor, and energy necessary to achieve our goals. Positive attitudes create winning situations, and we can enjoy friendly competition now.

Further, the Sun harmonizes with Juno and Pallas, improving our social relations, negotiations, and ability to compromise. This is a time for making plans, seeing important patterns, and feeling motivated to solve problems.

The Moon spends the day in fair-minded Aquarius.


January 12, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)

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