Cafe Astrology .com

February 24 2022

24febOverview of the DayFebruary 24 2022Daily Overview


Thursday, FEBRUARY 24

Mars formed a sextile to Neptune yesterday, and Venus does the same today, encouraging us to open up and embrace loving, non-possessive feelings. We’re finding the best in people and our relationships or pleasures. We approach one another more gently and sensitively than usual with this transit. We are inclined to see our relationships’ spiritual dimensions and treat others with increased compassion. This aspect first formed in late November and then recurred in January while Venus was retrograde, and there can be more to an ongoing story.

As gentle as this transit is, a Mercury-Uranus square later today can add abruptness and tension to our thinking patterns and conversations. Our senses are hyper-stimulated. There can be sudden flashes of insight or fresh new ideas, but they may not come together well just yet. We may be impatient with routine matters or monotonous tasks. Disorganization or bluntness with our communications is likely. Information can surface now that upsets the status quo. Even so, this transit can also stimulate our minds, encouraging new ways of thinking.

The void Moon occurs from 10:24 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Neptune), until the Moon enters Capricorn tomorrow, Friday, February 25th, at 11:27 AM EST.


February 24, 2022 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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