Cafe Astrology .com

February 22 2024

22febOverview of the DayFebruary 22 2024Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: Thursday)(GMT-05:00) View in my timeEvent Type Daily Overview


Thursday, FEBRUARY 22

The Venus-Mars alignment discussed yesterday comes together very early today, stirring some excitement and inspiring creativity.

The Moon spends the day in Leo–a vibrant and competitive transit. We take more pride in our actions and creations. This Moon encourages our honorable, proud, and loving qualities. We might seek channels for expressing personal emotional drama or creative potential. We’re generally confident and prepared to take on whatever comes our way with a Leo Moon, but we also seek feedback and interaction to inspire us.

With the Moon’s square to Jupiter this morning and Uranus tonight, rules, dullness, routines, and limitations are harder to take.

The Moon is void from 11:18 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Uranus), until tomorrow, Friday, February 23rd, when the Moon enters Virgo at 8:37 PM EST.


February 22, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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