Cafe Astrology .com

February 10 2024

10febOverview of the DayFebruary 10 2024Daily Overview


Saturday, FEBRUARY 10

Mercury forms a square to Jupiter this morning, and we need room to explore and create, visualize new solutions to problems, and express ourselves freely. However, we are inclined to exaggerate or miss the bigger point. We should watch for a strong tendency to overstate or overestimate in our quest for meaning. Mental anxiety could manifest as we can swing from blind faith to doubt, making it difficult to make good, practical choices. We might also watch for scattering our energies or taking on too many activities at once–we could be looking so far ahead that we forget the essential details or disclaimers. We might waste our time on inconsequential matters.

On the other hand, a minor square between Venus and Saturn suggests some diffidence in our interactions. With this transit, we can be cool with our sentiments and emotionally distant. Anxiety or troubles with our feelings and affections are likely.

However, a Sun-Vesta trine helps ground us as the day advances. The need to dedicate ourselves to a project or cause is strong now.

The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius until 8:43 AM EST, when it heads into Pisces.

The Moon continues its void period today until it enters Pisces at 8:43 AM EST.


February 10, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)

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