Cafe Astrology .com

December 5 2023

05decOverview of the DayDecember 5 2023Daily Overview


Tuesday, DECEMBER 5

The Moon spends another day in the sign of Virgo, encouraging our desire to help, sort, excel at work, analyze, and organize. The Last Quarter Moon is exact as the Sun in Sagittarius forms a square with the Virgo Moon early today, signaling a time to review and sort rather than push something new. Until after next week’s New Moon, it’s a better time to tie up loose ends, take inventory, and let go if necessary. We might consider our recent revelations, what they mean to us, and what’s our possible next step.

A Venus-Saturn trine today also motivates us to sort things out, especially our feelings. We’re approaching love, relationships, money, or pleasure-seeking in a more mature, responsible, and level-headed way. It’s a good time for stabilizing relations and demonstrating our affection through practical support, service, and shows of loyalty. This influence reminds us of the value of constancy and reliability. It tends to generate a realistic and perhaps materialistic view of our relationships. We’re enjoying our responsibilities, work, or duties more than usual.

The Sun’s semi-square to Pluto complicates things somewhat: it suggests some struggle to let go of the inconsequential. We might crave a sense of control over events, relationships, and circumstances, becoming frustrated at any sign that we don’t have it.


December 5, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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