December 3 2023
03decOverview of the DayDecember 3 2023Daily Overview
Sunday, DECEMBER 3 With a Venus-Pluto square this morning, our personal plans and ambitions can feel at odds, causing some tension. There can be obstacles to clear
Sunday, DECEMBER 3
With a Venus-Pluto square this morning, our personal plans and ambitions can feel at odds, causing some tension. There can be obstacles to clear as we wrestle with our fears. This transit can accentuate or stimulate our insecurities, bringing suspicions and jealousies to the surface. Jealous and possessive feelings are directly proportional to fear of losing something or someone. We can be worried about betrayal or being in the dark about a matter. Social interactions may be intense or could provoke intense feelings. It can be exceedingly easy to trigger sensitive points, but what works us up can be very revealing to those on a self-discovery journey.
Mars and Jupiter form a quincunx this afternoon, also stirring discontent but in a different way. We can feel out of sync with our instincts and natural rhythm. We could have trouble making decisions or find it challenging to integrate one strong desire with another. Circumstances are such that we need to assess where we’ve been putting too much–or too little–energy. Poor timing is possible, and reshuffling our focus and prioritizing can be necessary.
The Moon is void from 9:12 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Venus), until the Moon enters Virgo at 10:51 PM EST.
December 3, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)