December 26 2023
26decOverview of the DayDecember 26 2023Daily Overview
Tuesday, DECEMBER 26 A Full Moon occurs today at 7:34 PM EST in the sign of Cancer, and it’s a time of culmination and heightened awareness. We
Tuesday, DECEMBER 26
A Full Moon occurs today at 7:34 PM EST in the sign of Cancer, and it’s a time of culmination and heightened awareness. We can become especially aware of any over-attachment we might have to outdated pleasures, connections, or things. The need for family, nurturing, safety, and comfort is strong. Something comes to light now, and if we get in touch with our emotions/hearts, we can better understand what needs to change or what needs to go. We seek nourishment from others, and we tend to support others more naturally in turn.
This Full Moon harmonizes with Jupiter and Saturn, increasing our resourcefulness for resolving problems and achieving a better balance.
It also occurs when retrograde Mercury is moving into a square with Neptune, challenging us to see things differently. We can find it hard to follow facts, directions, and instructions as our minds wander. Consider that we may not need to know the answers now, and pressing for them can temporarily complicate things. Conversations can be confusing, evasive, or unsatisfying now, or we might enjoy sharing unusual ideas and fantasies. We could be dealing with self-deception or deception. It’s a time for letting go of strict attention to the rules, only if/when appropriate, and to entertain fantastical or unusual possibilities.
Mercury first squared Neptune on November 27th, returns to this aspect in retrograde motion now, and will square Neptune again in direct motion on January 8th. Today, we could be returning to a problem or conversation that first occurred in late November.
Chiron stations and turns direct today, ending its retrograde that lasted since July 23rd. With this shift, we can feel vulnerable–emotional truths about matters we’ve been avoiding or confused about are beginning to emerge now and in the coming weeks. These may not always be comfortable, but they can motivate us to take appropriate action.
The Moon is void from 2:56 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Mercury), until the Moon enters Cancer at 10:16 AM EST.
December 26, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)