Cafe Astrology .com

December 11 2023

11decOverview of the DayDecember 11 2023Daily Overview


Monday, DECEMBER 11

Mars and Jupiter form a creative biquintile this morning, which can stimulate our motivation to produce, act, grow, and improve. We’re excited to make our own luck. We are highly resourceful and can find much to look forward to under this influence. The desire to take affirmative action is intense.

At the same time, Mercury and Venus form a sextile, and we enjoy pleasant exchanges. We communicate with warmth and style, and we more readily compromise, negotiate, please, and clarify things. The tendency to verbalize or analyze our feelings and relationships is strong with this influence. This transit favors diplomacy, charm, social graces, presentation of ideas, romantic overtures, teaching, business deals, publishing, commerce, public relations, and joint ventures or partnerships.

Consider that, on this day before a New Moon, it’s better to wind down, reflect, muse, and tie up loose ends than to push ahead with new beginnings.

As well, the Sun heads toward a quincunx with Uranus, and we could be dealing with minor disruptions of plans or a restless urge for change that interferes with the flow. Instead, a fear of change can stop us in our tracks temporarily, but we may get the chance to make refinements and recalibrate.

The Moon is void from 3:58 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:11 AM EST.


December 11, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)

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