Chiron Enters Aries
18feb4:07 amChiron Enters AriesPlanetary Ingress
Chiron enters Aries Chiron is in Aries … from April 17, 2018, to September 25, 2018, and then from February 18, 2019, to June 29, 2026, and then from September 17, 2026, to April 14, 2027. Chiron is now in the sign
Chiron enters Aries
Chiron is in Aries …
- from April 17, 2018, to September 25, 2018,
- and then from February 18, 2019, to June 29, 2026,
- and then from September 17, 2026, to April 14, 2027.
Chiron is now in the sign of Aries after spending over seven years in the sign of Pisces. We’ll be rebuilding our confidence, including body confidence, during this cycle. These are sensitive points now. Personal and health problems that have held us back come up for review. We’ll be learning to assert ourselves and focus on our needs in healthy doses without feeling guilty in the process. This transit emphasizes the concept that healing begins within oneself. Chiron returned to Pisces from September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019, and now transits Aries until 2026/7. The year 2019 features Uranus moving out of Aries and Chiron’s move into the sign!

Chiron in Aries
February 18, 2019 4:07 am EST(GMT-04:00)