Cafe Astrology .com

August 4 2021

04augOverview of the DayAugust 4 2021Daily Overview


Wednesday, AUGUST 4

The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 5:17 PM, after which the Moon is in its own sign, Cancer. While we begin the day craving more interconnectivity, we seek more comfort and familiarity as the day advances. A Sun-Chiron trine encourages a holistic approach to problem-solving. There can be opportunities to learn, grow, and improve, particularly through spontaneity, self-assertion, and courage. With less concern about who’s right or wrong, we’re open to learning and growing. Our egos don’t get in the way, helping us make real progress. Fortunately, we’re putting our respect in the right places. The chance to find a sense of purpose or a “mission” can arise now, increasing our confidence.

The void Moon occurs from 3:38 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Cancer at 5:17 PM EDT.


August 4, 2021 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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