Cafe Astrology .com

August 27 2023

27augOverview of the DayAugust 27 2023Daily Overview


Sunday, AUGUST 27

The Sun’s opposition to Saturn perfects this morning, pointing to feelings of being underestimated, unrecognized, unlucky, or unrewarded. It’s a good time to strengthen ourselves and our plans, lay low, and conserve energy.

Mars enters Libra today, where it will transit until October 12th. Mars is in its detriment in Libra (Libra opposes Mars-ruled Aries)–it’s not as comfortable in the sign as it is in most other signs and may not function at its best. We may be indirect in our approach and should watch for passive-aggressiveness during this cycle.

However, it’s a good time for actively seeking harmony and balance. We work hard at finding compromises. We can be warriors for peace and justice during the Mars-in-Libra cycle. It’s an excellent time for strategy and teaming or partnering up to reach a goal.

While we can be energized with Mars in a new sign, there is some tendency to want to get started before we have a good plan as Mars and Jupiter approach a minor square. This aspect excites our desire to do something new and produces some agitation and competitive feelings that can either distract us or spur us to improve. Enthusiasm and motivation can be incredible if we know where to channel excess energy.

Still, overconfidence and overestimation of what we can do may lead to poor decisions or regrettable actions. We can also be rather argumentative and reactive with this combination.


August 27, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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