Cafe Astrology .com

august, 2022

27augOverview of the DayAugust 27 2022Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: saturday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Daily Overview


Saturday, AUGUST 27

A New Moon occurs this morning at 4:17 AM EDT in the sign of Virgo. A time of new beginnings, this New Moon presents an excellent opportunity for us to formulate some goals regarding “all things Virgo.” We’d do well to concentrate on new ways to get our day-to-day life organized. We might commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign, such as building our powers of healthy, constructive discrimination or beginning a new project that requires attention to detail. We might set up specific routines that will help us manage our lives in productive and mindful ways. Freeing our minds of clutter can be an important goal. Striving to improve can be a wonderful challenge, as long as we don’t allow ourselves to become overly focused on flaws to the point that we feel guilty or stressed.

Because the New Moon forms a tight square to Mars, it can be all too easy to allow impatience to take over. It’s important not to rush ourselves, others, or projects.


Overview of the Day (Saturday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my time




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