Cafe Astrology .com

August 11 2022

11augOverview of the DayAugust 11 2022Daily Overview


Thursday, AUGUST 11

It’s an astrologically busy day. The Sun-Uranus square this morning can destabilize some parts of our lives temporarily, or it can highlight problem areas that already exist. Our strong desire for independence or to break the rules could impair our judgment. Changes we make now may feel out of character or abrupt. Disrupted routines and plans are likely, and while they can be unsettling at first, they can also encourage new approaches. Disruptions can pull up buried frustrations, which we should examine more closely. It can be a time to learn something new about ourselves. Nevertheless, we should watch for being irresponsible in our rebellions and guard against temperamental behavior and decision-making. A Mercury-Pluto challenge can complicate communications.

On the other hand, a Mars-Neptune sextile this afternoon encourages a more inspired or gentle approach to pursuing our desires. With this transit in force, we actively seek inspiration. Our intuitive guidance can be put to practical use, especially if it helps increase our sense of security. There can be the letting go of anger or a softening of the disposition now. We prefer to cooperate or go our own way than compete. We are also ready to act on our compassion, communicating our intentions through actions and gestures, and our intuition for making the right moves is strong. We might open up to unusual or alternative healing methods or the use of compassion and forgiveness for healing purposes. Creative arts can thrive.

Venus enters Leo today, and it will transit the sign until September 5th. During this transit, we take pride in love, and we’re generous with our money. It’s a warm-hearted, playful, expressive, and proud placement for Venus. During this transit, we tend to feed on attention, acknowledgment, validation, and adoration. We can have a high ego investment in our money, love life, children, or pastimes. It’s best to watch for extravagance and overstating our feelings only for effect.

A Full Moon occurs in Aquarius at 9:36 PM EDT, and it’s a time of culmination. The Leo Sun is proud and intensely individual–not content with only being one of the team. While also individualistic, the Aquarius Moon values independence and the team, community, and group spirit. With the Leo Sun in opposition to the Aquarius Moon, the Full Moon illuminates this conflict.

When a Full Moon occurs, there can be proclamations and outpours that can be raw. It also brings light to feelings, attitudes, and circumstances that have been buried or overlooked. It’s a time to awaken to the need for others or to answer to humanitarian impulses.


August 11, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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