Cafe Astrology .com

April 20 2022

20aprOverview of the DayApril 20 2022Daily Overview


Wednesday, APRIL 20

The Moon spends most of the day in Sagittarius–until 11:54 PM EDT, when the Moon enters Capricorn. With the Sagittarius Moon, we may take a more philosophical and less strategic approach to life now. We can feel some discontent now, especially with the Moon’s squares to Jupiter and Neptune, and we’re inclined to overcompensate by taking on more or going to excess. We want to grow, improve, and expand, and it may be necessary to push some boundaries now, but it’s best to do so gently. We set our sights high with the Moon in Sagittarius, but if too high, the Moon’s square to Neptune can burst our bubble. Fortunately, we bounce back quickly with this transit.

The void Moon occurs from 4:57 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 11:54 PM EDT.


April 20, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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