April 19 2024
19aprOverview of the DayApril 19 2024Daily Overview
Friday, APRIL 19 The Sun enters Taurus today, where it will transit until May 20th. We’re more practically, materially, and sensually oriented during this cycle. The Taurus
Friday, APRIL 19
The Sun enters Taurus today, where it will transit until May 20th. We’re more practically, materially, and sensually oriented during this cycle. The Taurus Sun takes its time–it’s deliberate yet languishing–and brings us patient and receptive energy. Our security needs are strong, and we can be possessive or stubborn.
Taurus values longevity and is loyal to all that is familiar. The Sun-in-Taurus cycle is good for maintaining or building and enjoying and appreciating what’s already in place. While the Taurus Sun is slow to warm up, it’s stable and persevering once it does. We value what’s long-term, strong, and lasting during this phase.
This morning’s Mercury-Venus alignment is friendly and past-oriented. We tend to analyze or intellectualize our feelings.
However, as the day advances, today’s Mars sextiles are highly forward-looking. Mars harmonizes with Jupiter and Uranus on this day before these planets are set to align, stirring up great enthusiasm and optimism, in fact. We’re motivated and inspired, and we may be acting on our desire to make improvements and sharing our excitement with others. We might also act on hunches or instincts, confidently taking on challenges.
We are more courageous and energetic than usual, and it can benefit us greatly if we direct this energy into worthwhile projects or causes.
A spirit of gentle competition prevails as we seek to branch out and take on special initiatives today.
These Mars influences inspire enterprise and confidence in acting on our beliefs and convictions. We may be going to bat for the underdog. We’re also quite willing to experiment or try new things.
It’s easy and natural to break through obstacles, try alternative methods, and take progressive action or take the lead. It’s also a time when we more readily support or defend others.
We are naturally bold and assertive, ready to take a chance, and conscious of a need to act independently or spontaneously.
April 19, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)