Cafe Astrology .com

April 13, 2019

13aprOverview of the DayApril 13, 2019Daily Overview


Saturday, APRIL 13

The Sun-Pluto square perfects this morning, and trusting in others (or in life/the process) can be difficult. This aspect is strong for identifying areas of over-attachment, but we may find it difficult to let go and unwind while it’s active. It’s important to avoid trying to force matters that should naturally take time to unfold.

As the day advances, however, we approach a Sun-Jupiter trine that encourages our desire to grow, expand, improve, and impress. In contrast, this aspect helps to build up our faith. Whether it’s a business venture, friendship, attitude, or relationship, we want to bring it to a new level. Optimism and confidence are core elements in the energy of this transit. Enthusiasm runs high, and cooperation comes readily. The Moon continues its void period until it enters Leo today at 3:50 AM EDT.


April 13, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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