Cafe Astrology .com

April 10 2022

10aprOverview of the DayApril 10 2022Daily Overview


Sunday, APRIL 10

This morning, Mercury forms a square with Pluto, stirring some suspicion. We can be determined to get our message across and have others agree with our ideas. This aspect may play to our insecurities and fears that we’re not getting all the information we need or that others don’t respect our views. We should avoid forcing our opinions on others and instead strive for healthy skepticism rather than suspicion or paranoia. Obsessive thinking is possible now, but with self-awareness and mindfulness, we might engage in in-depth, penetrating communication or think more deeply about a matter.

The Moon spends the day in Leo, encouraging us to elevate our thoughts and activities. We’re dynamic, involved, and entertaining. Mercury enters Taurus tonight, where it will transit until the 29th. Our thinking is down-to-earth, stable, and grounded during this cycle. Common sense reigns over fanciful thinking. We communicate quite deliberately under this influence. While Mercury is in Taurus, we gravitate to tried and true methods. Attention to one thing at a time can simplify our lives during this cycle, but we should watch for overly conservative, stubborn, or rigid thinking.


April 10, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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