Libra Monthly Horoscope
{Monthly Horoscopes 2018}
A horoscope guide to the month ahead for Libra Sun and Libra Ascendant.
July 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Libra
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We divide our 2018 monthly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates/decans) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here or use Cafe Astrology’s Ascendant Calculator.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Libras born September 24 to October 3 | ||||
Libras born October 4 to 13 | ||||
Libras born October 14 to 23 |
Overview for this Month: Libra (All)
Libra Monthly Horoscope Summary for July 2018: You have strong influences with you this month encouraging you to reach for the stars and pursue your goals, dear Libra, although it should be kept in mind that July as a whole is not ideal for brand-new endeavors. Taking a second look at past ideas or projects can be particularly rewarding now, or you could find a lot to love with current ventures. You can enjoy quite a bit of enthusiasm about a project, business, or financial matter this month, and hurdles seem smaller as a result! The key to success now seems more about building what you have than taking on new enterprises. Fortunately, you're incredibly resourceful now.
You are building your confidence in your natural talents, and others are responding well. Many strong influences are occurring in your chart that point to an increased commitment to realizing success, more determination, increased ambition, and the need for more structure and order in your life. These things are helped along with the Solar Eclipse on the 12th. Whatever your particular definition of success, you are seeking it more heartily in July. You might enjoy referrals or other forms of reward and recognition or support.
Past projects or goals may deserve -- or require -- a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you'll likely need to approach them in new ways to get them off the ground this time around. Old approaches might be revived now. From the 10th forward, business and financial matters can turn a corner as Jupiter turns direct. Interest and motivation are renewed in certain projects and endeavors, and you feel more confident about pursuing your interests. Feeling content with what you have on financial and relationship levels invites good judgment and patience that lead to success around the 13-14.
From the 9th forward, you have Venus moving through your privacy sector and connecting well with several planets. You're likely to enjoy some extra private time or rejuvenating activities that help you heal. You may very well break out of an emotional rut or pattern in inspired ways now, as you tend to come at things from a new angle, and perhaps even release a burdensome secret or decide to let go of an attachment that has been dragging you down. Particularly around the 13-14 and 21-22, you're in a strong position to unblock and decompress. This can be about doing something you genuinely enjoy or resolving to put an issue that has been blocking a relationship or stopping up your emotions behind you.
While there is strong energy pushing you to succeed and fueling ambitions, you have heavyweights Saturn and Pluto tugging at you periodically in July, complicating emotions but also bringing greater punch to your need to purge and release. If you've felt that others are attempting to pull your strings, you'll want to correct the situation with the epiphanies and events of these periods. Try not to resist, fear, or avoid change, which can stir up more problems. Identify where you've been overly attached and consider ways to dump unnecessary burdens in your life. This is an excellent time to clean up your life in fundamental ways, particularly around the home. Clearing away problems on the home front can be precisely what you need to succeed elsewhere.
The Sun moving into your solar eleventh house on the 22nd brings new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking for the coming month.
You have Mercury in your friend sector all month, inspiring your connections and communications with others. Mercury does clash with retrograde Mars on the 4-5 and turns retrograde itself on the 25/26, however. There can be some drama with friends, a love interest, or child who may be acting out or hard to understand. There can be distancing in a current friendship or the re-emergence of an old friendship. Try not to take disagreements personally and find ways to set your own pace rather than rely on others, who may not be moving at the right speed for your liking for the time being.
The last week of the month can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride both professionally and personally. The total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th opens your eyes to your feelings for someone or a current creative project. This eclipse aligns with retrograde Mars, though, and this can bring a social or romantic issue to emotional heights. A frustrating matter from your past can emerge but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. Tensions now can come from pushing something that shouldn't be accelerated. Matters are inflamed now, but this brings them firmly to your attention. The effects of this eclipse last many months. Epiphanies occurring now are meant to push you forward along a more authentic path. Also tied to this eclipse is an influence that boosts your emotional state and family life. Focusing on home and family projects can be extremely rewarding now.
See also This Month in Astrology.
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Libra (Born September 24 to October 3) and Libra Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Libra:July 2018 Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Overview. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until July 22nd: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar tenth house. Satisfaction and fulfillment during this cycle come from doing your professional best, shining as a responsible and capable person, and contributing to the world in practical ways. You might have a chance to receive acknowledgement or praise for your work or good character now. Landing support from authority figures is easier at this time. Avoid the pitfalls of pride or arrogance standing in your way of success. From July 23rd forward: The Sun lights your solar eleventh house. The Sun illuminates your sector of friends, groups, and dreams coming true this month. It's a sociable sector of your chart, and that's exactly how you are feeling--happy, light-hearted, cosmopolitan, and social. Group affiliations capture your attention. Connections can be made now and networking pays off, or at least satisfies. Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time. This is a rather happy, goal-oriented cycle. A lively agenda is promised, you're attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others is high. A stronger sense of community is with you during this cycle. Relationships take on a fun, if impersonal, tone now. Activities with children (especially others' children) may increase. You are more stimulated by all that is unconventional during this cycle, and your ideas are original and progressive now. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort Until the 10th: Venus continues to move through your solar eleventh house. This is a strong time for putting your ego aside and lowering your defenses and simply enjoying people. It's a good time for networking and settling disputes if there are differences to iron out with friends. Cooperation comes easily, and warm friendships can be made during this cycle. Personal freedom is especially important to you right now, and you won't enjoy any associations that limit you. It can also be a good time for earnings from business. From July 10th forward: Venus is spending some time in "hibernation" in your privacy sector. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that your love life is stagnant, but that your affection is expressed behind closed doors. Attraction to secrets and whispers characterize this period, although for some, it can also be a time of endings, relationship concerns, and wistfulness. Personal and social contacts may be secretive, and there can be secret love affairs, or at least very private love feelings and longings. Shyness can lead to some loneliness or romantic frustration. However, this can also be a deliciously private and intimate time. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation All month: Mercury continues to journey through your solar eleventh house. This is a time when conversations with friends and various networking activities are much appreciated and offer learning experiences. Your ideas just now are especially progressive and unconventional, as you are questioning the rules you typically live by and entertaining some wild ideas. Not all of these ideas are necessarily going to last or lead to new projects, but it's a time of dreaming up new possibilities and new possible solutions to problems. You are especially interested in spending time with people who are like-minded. Social interactions are more frequent, light, and fun during this cycle. Mercury is retrograde from July 25/26 to August 19th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications involving legal affairs, travel, and education, as well as communications about the past, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. With Virgo ruling your twelfth house sector, somebody might be deceiving you or working against you, or nagging issues from the past may crop up and demand attention. Put off making solid travel plans if possible. Occurring in your solar eleventh house this time, extra care should be used when communicating with friends. You may find that communications with friends or with groups can easily become sticky during this cycle. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may be uncommunicative or giving off mixed signals. On the other hand, old acquaintances may appear during this cycle, or you could be thinking about contacting an old friend. This may be a good time to do so. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with friends and associates during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely. Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage All month: Mars continues to energize your solar fifth house. This brings increased energy and enthusiasm to romance, child-rearing, and creative or recreational endeavors. It can also bring some strife to these areas of your world in some cases. For the most part, however, a romance could pick up pace, you are self-motivated and inspired on creative and expressive levels, and your self-confidence is well-received by others during this cycle. You are more willing to take little risks and you are competitive in a mostly friendly way. In your enthusiasm to take the lead, try to be sensitive to and respectful of others' needs. Mars is retrograde from June 26-August 27 All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of close partnering and negotiations because Mars rules these areas of your solar chart. Enthusiasm for a partnership or coming from a partner could be waning or not as clear. A partner could seem to be less direct or hard to reach. Partnering projects or initiatives, or negotiations, could stall, or you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in a one-to-one manner. Watch for pent-up anger and passive-aggressiveness in your partnerships, and learn from experiences with these things. From June 26-August 12 Occurring in your solar fifth house during this period, enthusiasm for romance or creative project could wane perhaps due to setbacks or stalling. A relationship with a lover or a child could become more complicated or possibly exhausting. Desires can be hard to read for existing relationships - both yours and those of a lover. There can be a change of heart, or you could be questioning what you've been pursuing in love, and a new approach becomes necessary. There could be waning interest in a hobby or a return to an old one. Some of you could be excessively preoccupied with a love relationship. New initiatives with fifth house matters may appear less exciting, or you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in fifth house areas of life--creativity self-expression, recreation, children, and romance. Caution and perhaps anxiety or confusion begin to dominate. You might feel less confident, or you could lack motivation now. Watch for pent-up anger, frustration, and passive-aggressiveness with a lover or with your children, if applicable. Refocusing, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended now. Overview Horoscope:
You are building your confidence in your natural talents, and others are responding well. Many strong influences are occurring in your chart that point to an increased commitment to realizing success, more determination, increased ambition, and the need for more structure and order in your life. These things are helped along with the Solar Eclipse on the 12th. Whatever your particular definition of success, you are seeking it more heartily in July. You might enjoy referrals or other forms of reward and recognition or support. Past projects or goals may deserve -- or require -- a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you'll likely need to approach them in new ways to get them off the ground this time around. Old approaches might be revived now. From the 10th forward, business and financial matters can turn a corner as Jupiter turns direct. Interest and motivation are renewed in certain projects and endeavors, and you feel more confident about pursuing your interests. Feeling content with what you have on financial and relationship levels invites good judgment and patience that lead to success around the 13-14. From the 9th forward, you have Venus moving through your privacy sector and connecting well with several planets. You're likely to enjoy some extra private time or rejuvenating activities that help you heal. You may very well break out of an emotional rut or pattern in inspired ways now, as you tend to come at things from a new angle, and perhaps even release a burdensome secret or decide to let go of an attachment that has been dragging you down. Particularly around the 13-14 and 21-22, you're in a strong position to unblock and decompress. This can be about doing something you genuinely enjoy or resolving to put an issue that has been blocking a relationship or stopping up your emotions behind you. While there is strong energy pushing you to succeed and fueling ambitions, you have heavyweights Saturn and Pluto tugging at you periodically in July, complicating emotions but also bringing greater punch to your need to purge and release. If you've felt that others are attempting to pull your strings, you'll want to correct the situation with the epiphanies and events of these periods. Try not to resist, fear, or avoid change, which can stir up more problems. Identify where you've been overly attached and consider ways to dump unnecessary burdens in your life. This is an excellent time to clean up your life in fundamental ways, particularly around the home. Clearing away problems on the home front can be precisely what you need to succeed elsewhere. The Sun moving into your solar eleventh house on the 22nd brings new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking for the coming month. You have Mercury in your friend sector all month, inspiring your connections and communications with others. Mercury does clash with retrograde Mars on the 4-5 and turns retrograde itself on the 25/26, however. There can be some drama with friends, a love interest, or child who may be acting out or hard to understand. There can be distancing in a current friendship or the re-emergence of an old friendship. Try not to take disagreements personally and find ways to set your own pace rather than rely on others, who may not be moving at the right speed for your liking for the time being. The last week of the month can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride both professionally and personally. The total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th opens your eyes to your feelings for someone or a current creative project. This eclipse aligns with retrograde Mars, though, and this can bring a social or romantic issue to emotional heights. A frustrating matter from your past can emerge but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. Tensions now can come from pushing something that shouldn't be accelerated. Matters are inflamed now, but this brings them firmly to your attention. The effects of this eclipse last many months. Epiphanies occurring now are meant to push you forward along a more authentic path. Also tied to this eclipse is an influence that boosts your emotional state and family life. Focusing on home and family projects can be extremely rewarding now. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our Love & Romance Forecast report.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth See also general trends for Libra in 2018 . |
Libra (Born October 4 to 13) and Libra Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Libra:July 2018 Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Overview. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness All month: The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle. You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort Until the 19th: Venus continues to move through your solar eleventh house. This is a strong time for putting your ego aside and lowering your defenses and simply enjoying people. It's a good time for networking and settling disputes if there are differences to iron out with friends. Cooperation comes easily, and warm friendships can be made during this cycle. Personal freedom is especially important to you right now, and you won't enjoy any associations that limit you. It can also be a good time for earnings from business. From July 19th forward: Venus is spending some time in "hibernation" in your privacy sector. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that your love life is stagnant, but that your affection is expressed behind closed doors. Attraction to secrets and whispers characterize this period, although for some, it can also be a time of endings, relationship concerns, and wistfulness. Personal and social contacts may be secretive, and there can be secret love affairs, or at least very private love feelings and longings. Shyness can lead to some loneliness or romantic frustration. However, this can also be a deliciously private and intimate time. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation Until July 6th: Mercury continues to transit your solar tenth house. Career matters are busy at this time, and there can be plenty of thoughts and/or conversations about your profession, your reputation, or your social standing during this cycle. It's a good time to analyze your work tasks and to streamline them or improve your skills. There may be increased contact with the public now, or you might experience an increased need to be heard and acknowledged for your intelligence, skills, capabilities, and ideas. From July 6th forward: Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts. As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals. Mercury is retrograde from July 25/26 to August 19th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications involving legal affairs, travel, and education, as well as communications about the past, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. With Virgo ruling your twelfth house sector, somebody might be deceiving you or working against you, or nagging issues from the past may crop up and demand attention. Put off making solid travel plans if possible. Occurring in your solar eleventh house this time, extra care should be used when communicating with friends. You may find that communications with friends or with groups can easily become sticky during this cycle. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may be uncommunicative or giving off mixed signals. On the other hand, old acquaintances may appear during this cycle, or you could be thinking about contacting an old friend. This may be a good time to do so. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with friends and associates during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely. Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage All month: Mars continues to activate your solar fourth house. More energy and enthusiasm is brought to your home life, but there can also be a tendency to stir up trouble if you are not careful to channel any excess energy into constructive and productive pursuits around the home. You desire to take the lead, but you should do so in a respectful way so as not to get anyone's goat. Mars is retrograde from June 26-August 27 All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of close partnering and negotiations because Mars rules these areas of your solar chart. Enthusiasm for a partnership or coming from a partner could be waning or not as clear. A partner could seem to be less direct or hard to reach. Partnering projects or initiatives, or negotiations, could stall, or you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in a one-to-one manner. Watch for pent-up anger and passive-aggressiveness in your partnerships, and learn from experiences with these things. From June 26-August 12 Occurring in your solar fourth house during this period, household projects may slow down or stall. Repairs may need to be done, or circumstances are such that living conditions seem unstable or in need of review. Perhaps the enthusiasm that you have been building for work around the house is lessening. You may have an increased desire to rule the roost, or you feel that this position is no longer in your hands, and if this transit stimulates conflict or disputes, it is likely to be family-related--you may have arguments with them, about them, or on their behalf. You may get worked up about old problems or regarding emotional issues from the past that are resurfacing now. Refocusing, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended now. It's time to review how you have been handling your assertiveness on the home front and with family. Overview Horoscope:
You are building your confidence in your natural talents, and others are responding well. Many strong influences are occurring in your chart that point to an increased commitment to realizing success, more determination, increased ambition, and the need for more structure and order in your life. These things are helped along with the Solar Eclipse on the 12th. Whatever your particular definition of success, you are seeking it more heartily in July. You might enjoy referrals or other forms of reward and recognition or support. Past projects or goals may deserve -- or require -- a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you'll likely need to approach them in new ways to get them off the ground this time around. Old approaches might be revived now. From the 10th forward, business and financial matters can turn a corner as Jupiter turns direct. Interest and motivation are renewed in certain projects and endeavors, and you feel more confident about pursuing your interests. Feeling content with what you have on financial and relationship levels invites good judgment and patience that lead to success around the 13-14. From the 9th forward, you have Venus moving through your privacy sector and connecting well with several planets. You're likely to enjoy some extra private time or rejuvenating activities that help you heal. You may very well break out of an emotional rut or pattern in inspired ways now, as you tend to come at things from a new angle, and perhaps even release a burdensome secret or decide to let go of an attachment that has been dragging you down. Particularly around the 13-14 and 21-22, you're in a strong position to unblock and decompress. This can be about doing something you genuinely enjoy or resolving to put an issue that has been blocking a relationship or stopping up your emotions behind you. While there is strong energy pushing you to succeed and fueling ambitions, you have heavyweights Saturn and Pluto tugging at you periodically in July, complicating emotions but also bringing greater punch to your need to purge and release. If you've felt that others are attempting to pull your strings, you'll want to correct the situation with the epiphanies and events of these periods. Try not to resist, fear, or avoid change, which can stir up more problems. Identify where you've been overly attached and consider ways to dump unnecessary burdens in your life. This is an excellent time to clean up your life in fundamental ways, particularly around the home. Clearing away problems on the home front can be precisely what you need to succeed elsewhere. The Sun moving into your solar eleventh house on the 22nd brings new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking for the coming month. You have Mercury in your friend sector all month, inspiring your connections and communications with others. Mercury does clash with retrograde Mars on the 4-5 and turns retrograde itself on the 25/26, however. There can be some drama with friends, a love interest, or child who may be acting out or hard to understand. There can be distancing in a current friendship or the re-emergence of an old friendship. Try not to take disagreements personally and find ways to set your own pace rather than rely on others, who may not be moving at the right speed for your liking for the time being. The last week of the month can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride both professionally and personally. The total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th opens your eyes to your feelings for someone or a current creative project. This eclipse aligns with retrograde Mars, though, and this can bring a social or romantic issue to emotional heights. A frustrating matter from your past can emerge but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. Tensions now can come from pushing something that shouldn't be accelerated. Matters are inflamed now, but this brings them firmly to your attention. The effects of this eclipse last many months. Epiphanies occurring now are meant to push you forward along a more authentic path. Also tied to this eclipse is an influence that boosts your emotional state and family life. Focusing on home and family projects can be extremely rewarding now. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our Love & Romance Forecast report.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth See also general trends for Libra in 2018. |
Libra (Born October 14 to 23) and Libra Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Libra:July 2018 Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Overview. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until July 12th: The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. This is a cycle in which you seek to expand your experiences and awareness, whether through philosophical thinking, higher education, travel, or simply activities that take you away from your everyday routines. You may feel a little restless if you don't find ways to explore. It's an excellent period for looking at your life from a different perspective--a broader one--whether you initiate this process or you make contact with others who stimulate you to think about your circumstances differently. Your energy is strong, open, and friendly right now, you come across well to others, and you are a little bolder and adventurous than usual. From July 12th forward: The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle. You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort Until July 28th: Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy. From July 28th forward: Venus is spending some time in "hibernation" in your privacy sector. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that your love life is stagnant, but that your affection is expressed behind closed doors. Attraction to secrets and whispers characterize this period, although for some, it can also be a time of endings, relationship concerns, and wistfulness. Personal and social contacts may be secretive, and there can be secret love affairs, or at least very private love feelings and longings. Shyness can lead to some loneliness or romantic frustration. However, this can also be a deliciously private and intimate time. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation Until the 17th: Mercury continues to transit your solar tenth house. Career matters are busy at this time, and there can be plenty of thoughts and/or conversations about your profession, your reputation, or your social standing during this cycle. It's a good time to analyze your work tasks and to streamline them or improve your skills. There may be increased contact with the public now, or you might experience an increased need to be heard and acknowledged for your intelligence, skills, capabilities, and ideas. From July 17th forward: Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts. As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals. Mercury is retrograde from July 25/26 to August 19th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications involving legal affairs, travel, and education, as well as communications about the past, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. With Virgo ruling your twelfth house sector, somebody might be deceiving you or working against you, or nagging issues from the past may crop up and demand attention. Put off making solid travel plans if possible. Occurring in your solar eleventh house this time, extra care should be used when communicating with friends. You may find that communications with friends or with groups can easily become sticky during this cycle. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may be uncommunicative or giving off mixed signals. On the other hand, old acquaintances may appear during this cycle, or you could be thinking about contacting an old friend. This may be a good time to do so. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with friends and associates during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely. Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage All month: Mars continues to activate your solar fourth house. More energy and enthusiasm is brought to your home life, but there can also be a tendency to stir up trouble if you are not careful to channel any excess energy into constructive and productive pursuits around the home. You desire to take the lead, but you should do so in a respectful way so as not to get anyone's goat. Mars is retrograde from June 26-August 27 All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of close partnering and negotiations because Mars rules these areas of your solar chart. Enthusiasm for a partnership or coming from a partner could be waning or not as clear. A partner could seem to be less direct or hard to reach. Partnering projects or initiatives, or negotiations, could stall, or you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in a one-to-one manner. Watch for pent-up anger and passive-aggressiveness in your partnerships, and learn from experiences with these things. From June 26-August 12 Occurring in your solar fourth house during this period, household projects may slow down or stall. Repairs may need to be done, or circumstances are such that living conditions seem unstable or in need of review. Perhaps the enthusiasm that you have been building for work around the house is lessening. You may have an increased desire to rule the roost, or you feel that this position is no longer in your hands, and if this transit stimulates conflict or disputes, it is likely to be family-related--you may have arguments with them, about them, or on their behalf. You may get worked up about old problems or regarding emotional issues from the past that are resurfacing now. Refocusing, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended now. It's time to review how you have been handling your assertiveness on the home front and with family. Overview Horoscope:
You are building your confidence in your natural talents, and others are responding well. Many strong influences are occurring in your chart that point to an increased commitment to realizing success, more determination, increased ambition, and the need for more structure and order in your life. These things are helped along with the Solar Eclipse on the 12th. Whatever your particular definition of success, you are seeking it more heartily in July. You might enjoy referrals or other forms of reward and recognition or support. Past projects or goals may deserve -- or require -- a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you'll likely need to approach them in new ways to get them off the ground this time around. Old approaches might be revived now. From the 10th forward, business and financial matters can turn a corner as Jupiter turns direct. Interest and motivation are renewed in certain projects and endeavors, and you feel more confident about pursuing your interests. Feeling content with what you have on financial and relationship levels invites good judgment and patience that lead to success around the 13-14. From the 9th forward, you have Venus moving through your privacy sector and connecting well with several planets. You're likely to enjoy some extra private time or rejuvenating activities that help you heal. You may very well break out of an emotional rut or pattern in inspired ways now, as you tend to come at things from a new angle, and perhaps even release a burdensome secret or decide to let go of an attachment that has been dragging you down. Particularly around the 13-14 and 21-22, you're in a strong position to unblock and decompress. This can be about doing something you genuinely enjoy or resolving to put an issue that has been blocking a relationship or stopping up your emotions behind you. While there is strong energy pushing you to succeed and fueling ambitions, you have heavyweights Saturn and Pluto tugging at you periodically in July, complicating emotions but also bringing greater punch to your need to purge and release. If you've felt that others are attempting to pull your strings, you'll want to correct the situation with the epiphanies and events of these periods. Try not to resist, fear, or avoid change, which can stir up more problems. Identify where you've been overly attached and consider ways to dump unnecessary burdens in your life. This is an excellent time to clean up your life in fundamental ways, particularly around the home. Clearing away problems on the home front can be precisely what you need to succeed elsewhere. The Sun moving into your solar eleventh house on the 22nd brings new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking for the coming month. You have Mercury in your friend sector all month, inspiring your connections and communications with others. Mercury does clash with retrograde Mars on the 4-5 and turns retrograde itself on the 25/26, however. There can be some drama with friends, a love interest, or child who may be acting out or hard to understand. There can be distancing in a current friendship or the re-emergence of an old friendship. Try not to take disagreements personally and find ways to set your own pace rather than rely on others, who may not be moving at the right speed for your liking for the time being. The last week of the month can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride both professionally and personally. The total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th opens your eyes to your feelings for someone or a current creative project. This eclipse aligns with retrograde Mars, though, and this can bring a social or romantic issue to emotional heights. A frustrating matter from your past can emerge but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. Tensions now can come from pushing something that shouldn't be accelerated. Matters are inflamed now, but this brings them firmly to your attention. The effects of this eclipse last many months. Epiphanies occurring now are meant to push you forward along a more authentic path. Also tied to this eclipse is an influence that boosts your emotional state and family life. Focusing on home and family projects can be extremely rewarding now. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
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