Cafe Astrology .com

September 20 2023

20sepOverview of the DaySeptember 20 2023Daily Overview


Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 20

We might recognize the value of organizing and structuring our home life or relationships with loved ones today. Responsibilities to our loved ones are clear, and we readily accept them.

The Moon moves from deep Scorpio to outgoing Sagittarius at 10:06 AM EDT, and life feels less pressurized as the day advances. Even so, there continues to be a layer of seriousness and intensity to the day as we head toward a Sun-Pluto trine, exact early into the day tomorrow. This transit helps us focus to our advantage. Delving deeply into a matter can be satisfying and rewarding.

We’re exceptionally resourceful and efficient under this influence. It sets up just the right energy for gravitating toward people and situations that help us succeed or advance our goals. Shared goals and interests connect us with others.

The focus now is on eliminating negative elements in our lives, particularly in pursuing work or health goals so that we can advance with more conviction. This transit encourages cooperation and practical ability.

The Moon is void from 6:21 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:06 AM EDT.


September 20, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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