Cafe Astrology .com

October 26, 2019

26octOverview of the DayOctober 26, 2019Daily Overview


Saturday, OCTOBER 26

The Moon continues its transit of Libra all day. With this transit, we’re interested in bringing more balance, harmony, and pleasantness to our lives. We’ll go to great lengths to make things fair and to compromise if needed.

The Moon aligns with Mars today, and Mars is heading toward a square to Saturn, suggesting strong emotions and desires but blockages to fulfilling our goals. We are more aware and possibly resentful of imbalances in our relationships. It can feel as if more effort than usual is required to complete tasks. It’s a time for recognizing some of our limits and adjusting our speed accordingly. Frustrations or smoldering anger need managing. Our desire to take action and to constructively express our aggressive urges feels thwarted, but pushing will likely result in friction and resistance.

With the Moon Balsamic today and most of tomorrow (the New Moon will occur tomorrow night), it’s better to wind down than wind ourselves up.


October 26, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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