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Jupiter sextile Uranus

17feb7:12 pmJupiter sextile UranusPlanetary Aspect


Jupiter sextile Uranus

Jupiter, at 11° Pisces 13′, forms a sextile with Uranus, at 11° Taurus 13′ on February 17, 2022. This is a one-off transit (it doesn’t repeat two more times as many outer-planet transits do).

With Jupiter forming a sextile to Uranus, changes and innovations are exciting. We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box.

This transit favors group activities, financial endeavors associated with groups or organizational efforts, online connections and ventures, educational pursuits, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. Our outlook is positive and optimistic.

During this transit, we tend to view change and activity as good things. We’re less tolerant of repetition and routine, and we’re resistant of obligations or limits to our self-expression. Good luck or money can happen unexpectedly, appearing in the nick of time.

When Jupiter is in Pisces, we can be quite sentimental, but when Jupiter in Pisces forms a sextile to Uranus, it helps us detach somewhat from over-sentimentality so that we can embrace change.

We’re doing comfort, downtime, art, and pleasure in different, non-traditional ways at this time, and this attitude can open new worlds for us, even in little ways. We can find unique or unusual ways to enjoy ourselves or help and inspire others. We might bring out the best in one another by recognizing each other’s unique talents. This transit can also improve our optimism and positive mindset. We might profit, spiritually benefit, or boost business through new industries and novel approaches.

Read more about this aspect, whether it occurs in the natal chart, Solar Return chart, or is a transit to transit (as it’s occurring now) or transit to natal.

Jupiter sextile Uranus dates:

 on February 17, 2022, at 11° Pisces 13′ (one-time)

Jupiter sextile Uranus


February 17, 2022 7:12 pm EST(GMT-05:00)

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