Cafe Astrology .com

July 29 2021

29julOverview of the DayJuly 29 2021Daily Overview


Thursday, JULY 29

The Moon spends the day in forthright, action-oriented Aries. Mars leaves Leo and enters Virgo today, but before it goes, it opposes Jupiter. Both Mars and Jupiter are positioned very late in their respective signs, emphasizing a feeling of urgency and adding even more impulsiveness to the already extravagant nature of the aspect. We should watch for rushed decisions and actions now. With Mars-Jupiter, we have a strong desire to expand, to grow, and to do and know more. If we feel limited or restricted, or if we don’t know where to begin, this can serve to frustrate us. There can be impatience. What we want to do may conflict with what is possible.

We may get fired up over opposing viewpoints, and we may need to adjust our action plan. The desire to go big is with us, but so is the tendency to overestimate. Competitive feelings, however, can motivate us to push ourselves a little harder–the trick will be to do so with moderation. Errors in judgment made now are likely due to impulsiveness and the overlooking of crucial details.

Mars-Jupiter can bring a turning point to a project or even an attitude. We can feel passionately about our goals and beliefs, but we should watch that this doesn’t become self-righteousness. Instead, we might work hard at improving our ideas and uncovering information. There is a lot of creative energy generated now, but perhaps a little too much, so that tempers can flare. It’s best to watch for arrogance. Ideally, we harness this power to make changes and improvements.

Mars transits Virgo from today until September 14th, and we have a passion for details and a need to do the right thing at just the right time. The satisfaction of a job well done is one of our greatest incentives now. We are more precise and concerned about our performance during this cycle.


July 29, 2021 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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