Cafe Astrology .com

July 11 2023

11julOverview of the DayJuly 11 2023Daily Overview


Tuesday, JULY 11

Mercury enters Leo early today, where it will transit until the 28th. With Mercury in Leo in the weeks ahead, our thinking is confident and grand, and clearly defined goals motivate us. We are expressive, convincing, decisive, and persuasive. We want our voices and input heard. It’s not a time when we’re content with letting others make all the moves or decisions–we must be involved. We take the lead, manage, direct, and create while Mercury is in Leo.

For maximum absorption, we need to relate to information or create stories about it. During this cycle, we should watch for being too inflexible or proud to change course.

A semi-sextile between Mercury and Mars this morning suggests a tendency toward either extreme of indecision or rushing decisions. We may not have an easy time putting our ideas into action temporarily.

The Taurus Moon’s alignment with Jupiter this afternoon is patient, warm, and indulgent. We’re reaching for our joy and seeking to grow, develop, and improve, primarily through embracing our desire for comfort, security, and groundedness.


July 11, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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