Cafe Astrology .com

January 8 2022

08janOverview of the DayJanuary 8 2022Daily Overview


Saturday, JANUARY 8

The Moon enters Aries early today, at 12:26 AM EST. This Moon is forthright, active, and enterprising.

The Sun and retrograde Venus align in the sign of Capricorn today, marking the middle of the Venus retrograde cycle and a new Sun-Venus cycle’s beginning. Relationship matters are in high focus and can feel fated, emphasizing issues and people of our past. We’re motivated by the desire to come to some semblance of balance in our relationships and environment.

We want to impress, charm, smooth over differences, and satisfy others with the Sun and Venus coming together. Still, we can be symbolically in the dark regarding our feelings or relationships as a new cycle begins. It’s a time for redefining what we want and need from our connections, relationships, communications, and material affairs or goals.

With Venus (and soon, the Sun) semi-sextile Mars, we could struggle with whether to take a direct or indirect approach to getting what we want. However, we’re probably better off recognizing that it doesn’t have to be one way or the other–a combination would be ideal, or else the see-sawing can be confusing to all.

The void Moon period continues until the Moon enters Aries today at 12:26 AM EST.


January 8, 2022 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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