Cafe Astrology .com

January 22 2023

22janOverview of the DayJanuary 22 2023Daily Overview


Sunday, JANUARY 22

The Moon spends the day in Aquarius, and Aquarian ruler, Uranus, stations and turns direct today. Uranus has been retrograde since August 24th, and with its station, Uranian energy hangs heavy in the air this week.

As the planet gains speed in the next few weeks, our urge to express our unique selves, take some chances or risks, rebel, listen to our instincts, and stir up change are reawakened or externalized.

Mercury forms a semi-square with Venus early today, and there can be minor misunderstandings or indecision. It’s not easy to concentrate or connect with our hearts. There can be irritating disconnects as we either rationalize our feelings or emotionalize our observations.

Venus aligns with Saturn later today, however, and we seek clarity. We’re more thoughtful about our attachments and affections. When it comes to finances and relationships, we may need to limit a pleasure or indulgence or sacrifice a material benefit for a spiritual one (or vice versa). Extravagances have a way of catching up with us, and buckling down is necessary.

Still, we’re inclined to feel good about making a mature choice now. We may experience a new sense of realism in our relationships. It can also be a time for bonding more strongly with loved ones through the sharing of responsibility, concerns, or dilemmas.

We might face reality about our finances, a personal belief, or a love/social matter. A commitment may be made, or there can be a “test” to an existing commitment.


January 22, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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