Cafe Astrology .com

January 21, 2019

21janOverview of the DayJanuary 21, 2019Daily Overview


Monday, JANUARY 21

The Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Leo shortly into the day, and our emotions are heightened. There can be some level of drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the eclipse. This total Lunar Eclipse, occurring in the first degree of Leo, gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives, and this can be the final push that decides matters as it’s the last eclipse in a set of eclipses occurring in Leo and its opposite sign, Aquarius, in the past couple of years. There can be epiphanies or turning points that effectively clear the path to move forward.

This morning, a Mars-Saturn square perfects, and a desire to take action or assert ourselves feels thwarted or blocked. It can seem like more effort than usual is required to complete tasks. There can be criticism, whether we face this within ourselves or through others, and perhaps even imagined disapproval. This is a time for recognizing some of our limits and adjusting our speed accordingly.

The day’s energies lighten considerably as it advances and we get closer to the Venus-Jupiter alignment that will occur tomorrow morning. The Moon forms trines to Mars and then Venus tonight, also encouraging our creativity.


January 21, 2019 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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