Cafe Astrology .com

December 24 2021

24decOverview of the DayDecember 24 2021Daily Overview


Friday, DECEMBER 24

Early today, Saturn’s final square to Uranus (while it transits Aquarius) perfects, creating some tension as tradition and innovation seem at odds. However, a Jupiter-Uranus quintile encourages us to appreciate the more unique elements of situations, people, and projects.

The Moon leaves Leo and enters Virgo at 3:25 AM EST, and we move from a playful to workhorse frame of mind. The Virgo Moon’s square to Mars can point to some nervous tension or argumentativeness. We may be working under stressful or hectic conditions, as we feel pressure to get things done quickly.

However, Mars is heading towards a trine to Chiron, exact tomorrow morning, and we could have the opportunity to take the lead or to take action with matters that lead to healing, cleansing, or teaching. We’re fearlessly addressing problem areas. We may be defending and helping others, and we’re in great shape for cooperation and purposeful activity.

The void Moon occurs from 1:40 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Virgo at 3:25 AM EST.


December 24, 2021 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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