Cafe Astrology .com

August 8 2021

08augOverview of the DayAugust 8 2021Daily Overview


Sunday, AUGUST 8

Today’s New Moon occurs in the sign of Leo, bringing the chance for a fresh start. We might concentrate on new ways to enhance our romantic life, creative endeavors and hobbies, and relationship with children. It’s a time to build self-confidence and healthy pride in ourselves. We might strive to assume more responsibility for our lives and give of ourselves warmly and generously. We might aim to spend the coming month improving the Leo-ruled areas of our charts. It’s time to awaken our “inner child” and find ways to express ourselves creatively.

With the Sun and Moon square Uranus around the time of this New Moon, we should watch for prematurity and abrupt changes or rebellion. However, it can be a courageous, proactive time. We can feel sudden urges to act, start new, and clean the slate. Or, unexpected events prompt a new approach. The desire to change and improve creative and romantic matters is vital. The Moon spends the day in Leo.

As the day advances, we head toward a Mercury-Pluto quincunx, and decision-making can be fraught. This transit suggests difficulties digesting or accepting a matter. We might have a hard time getting our message across or coming to a decision/conclusion that feels right, or we trigger negative responses from others.


August 8, 2021 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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