Cafe Astrology .com

August 1 2023

01augOverview of the DayAugust 1 2023Daily Overview


Tuesday, AUGUST 1

The day is astrologically busy: A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius at 2:32 PM EDT, and it’s a time of culmination.

The Leo Sun is proud and intensely individual–not content with only being one of the team. While also individualistic, the Aquarius Moon values independence and the team, community, and group spirit. With the Leo Sun in opposition to the Aquarius Moon, the Full Moon illuminates this conflict.

When a Full Moon occurs, there can be proclamations and outpours that can be raw. It also brings light to feelings, attitudes, and circumstances that have been buried or overlooked. We’re awakening to the need for others or to answer to humanitarian impulses.

Aspects occurring today, as they happen around the Full Moon, have a little more power and longevity. Mars forms a trine with Jupiter, and our confidence, faith, and enthusiasm soar. Our desire for freedom is just as strong. We are more decisive and enterprising under this influence–it’s a great time to think up an exciting new plan or challenge.

Something moves us to take action to better our lives. We possess the willpower, vigor, and energy necessary to achieve our goals. Positive attitudes create winning situations, and we can enjoy friendly competition now.

However, Mars also forms a sesquiquadrate with Pluto, and there’s an edge and pressure to our desires.

As well, Mercury opposes Saturn tonight. Under this heavy influence, we may communicate harshly, sparingly, or reluctantly. Doubts might slow our decisions, although this can be a helpful process as we take a break from pushing ahead. There can be mental, transportation, or communication blocks. We could meet with some criticism, delays, or challenges to our opinions, ideas, or intelligence.

Circumstances are such that we may need to tone down our enthusiasm if our plans are lacking and think in more practical, realistic terms.


August 1, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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