Cafe Astrology .com

April 29 2023

29aprOverview of the DayApril 29 2023Daily Overview


Saturday, APRIL 29

We’re motivated to get out of a rut, innovate, or entertain new methods as Mars forms a sextile to Uranus today. We gravitate to new and unique ways of approaching the world around us. In the name of progress, we can be determined to let go of grudges or baggage. Working toward our dreams and inspired goals comes naturally now. At the same time, we hold the power of detachment that helps us choose paths that work in our favor.

The Moon continues its transit of Leo until 2:59 PM EDT, after which the Virgo Moon encourages attention to detail. The need to get organized can come on strongly.

The Moon is void from 6:53 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Virgo at 2:59 PM EDT.


April 29, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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