Cafe Astrology .com

April 14 2023

14aprOverview of the DayApril 14 2023Daily Overview


Friday, APRIL 14

Saturn forms a sextile to the True Moon’s North Node today, and we’re investing in our growth, development, and desire to improve. We are ready to commit to methods and attitudes that serve our purpose, leaving behind those no longer serving our growth. Our conscience is well-developed.

This aspect strengthens our ability to see a genuine opportunity and boosts our ability to work with elders or more experienced people to achieve a goal.

Venus forms a square to Saturn, and we might focus on the negative possibilities, which can be the first step before we get to a place of realism. We could feel unsatisfied, isolated, or unloved, which puts us on guard or defensive with our feelings and affections. Fears are most likely at the root of this.

We may feel discouraged on a social level if we don’t receive the feedback we crave. Difficulties in socializing can occur if we are more sensitive to rejection than usual. There may be a lesson or reality check with matters of the heart, pleasure, or finances.

Temporarily, we’re cautious and unlikely to be free or generous with money or our hearts.


April 14, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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