Cafe Astrology .com

November 14 2021

14novOverview of the DayNovember 14 2021Daily Overview


Sunday, NOVEMBER 14

The Moon continues its transit of Pisces until 10:49 AM EST, when it enters Aries. The Moon in Aries is pioneering, bold, and direct, but with Venus under some duress today, we may not find it easy to be straightforward. Venus forms a semi-square to Jupiter this afternoon, and it’s heading toward a square to Chiron, exact early tomorrow morning.

We can feel some discontent with our relationships or entertainment. With people and things, we should watch that we aren’t idealizing what we don’t have or something new and fresh rather than honoring what we already have. It can be a time of dramatic statements or impulsive purchases. The tendency to overdo is present, although not overpowering. Ideally, we tap into a need for change and improvement and tame our impulses to go overboard.

With an impending Venus-Chiron square, we may withdraw or hold back, easily rebuffed or hurt. We can feel somewhat drained temporarily, although this does allow us to refuel with more authentic motivation. It’s not easy to assess value temporarily. A good approach would be to recognize and explore our feelings of vulnerability.

The void Moon occurs from 12:41 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Aries at 10:49 AM EST.


November 14, 2021 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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