Cafe Astrology .com

July 23 2022

23julOverview of the DayJuly 23 2022Daily Overview


Saturday, JULY 23

The Moon enters Gemini early today, at 1:12 AM EDT, and we’re especially communicative and connected. Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, forms a trine to Jupiter, boosting our confidence and faith. Through conversations or musings, a positive outlook or hopefulness can emerge. We have more trust in the future, we seek a little extra meaning to our projects and experiences, and we can benefit from big-picture thinking. Our ideas are grand, and our intentions noble. We might receive good news or offers now. Curiosity grows.

With Mercury and Jupiter in harmony with Pallas, we’re able to organize our thoughts and ideas and recognize patterns. We can enjoy making plans, lists, and connections now.

The void Moon continues today until the Moon enters Gemini at 1:12 AM EDT.


July 23, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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